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Last weekend we attended the inaugural Hillsfest at Hillsborough Park. A weekend arts festival to showcase and celebrate the creative side of Sheffield. Despite the poor British summer weather it was a fun event and hopefully will return next year.

One of my motivations to go was the graffiti tower that had been organised for the festival which included works by the likes of Marcus Method, Mila K and Trik9. I thought I’d share the pics I took of the graffiti here for those of you who missed it.

Mick Murray and Eugene ‘Eug’ Boons

Marcus Method (previously known as Chris Meth)


Mila K

Rob Lee


Jim McElvaney and Alice Curtis

Sadly the perspective on some of these photos isn’t great as the works were all laid on the ground and I’m not quite tall enough to get the best of angles.

Most of the artists were familiar to me as I’ve been sharing their works on this site for the last couple of years, but a few were new to me. Thanks to Robin Widdowson (from Gotham-D) for helping me put a name to those I hadn’t come across before and the interesting conversation on Sheffield’s creative scene.

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