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Hendophant sculpture

Today marks the official start of the Herd of Sheffield, a ten week public art event taking place across the city. Throughout the summer Sheffield will be the home of 58 large elephant sculptures and 72 elephant calves.

The Little Herd has already been in place for a couple of weeks and the larger elephant sculptures started to appear late last week, mostly in place by the weekend.

The elephant sculptures have been designed, painted and decorated by artists both local and further afield. Expect to see favourite artists like Pete McKee, Faunagraphic, Geo Law and Kid Acne as well as some you’ve probably not discovered yet. The elephant calves are by local school children and are in indoor locations.

The event has been organised by The Children’s Hospital Charity and Wild in Art and will be raising money for Sheffield Children’s Hospital. The elephants will be auctioned off on the 20th October for the charity.

Running a website about street art in Sheffield I couldn’t let the city’s biggest public art event to date go unrecognised. So I’ve added a new section to the site dedicated to the Herd of Sheffield. As I discover elephant sculptures I’ll be taking photos and adding them to this new section, much like I do with the city’s street art and graffiti.

If you follow @streetartsheff on Twitter you’ve probably already realised I’m pretty exited about the trail. What I’ve seen so far is really great. I’ve already got some favourites. I hope you enjoy it too, whether you can come to Sheffield to see it, or just view the photos on this site. If you do enjoy it spread the word, and if you can please donate something to The Children’s Hospital Charity.

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